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Saturday 3 January 2009

Happy New Year people - thank you for looking at these pages again. What do have we to look forward to on 2009? Well, I think that many areas are looking at developing alcohol services in general practice, and I look forward to telling you more about the RCGP Alcohol Certificate training when it becomes available.

I hear from some quarters that Primary Care has never been busier, with all manner of pressures on time and resources, and sometimes it might seem that substance misuse is yet another niche piece of work that is more trouble than it's worth: others however remind me that there are few areas of medicine where it is possible to make so much difference to someone's life, so easily - and it remains one of the most rewarding aspects of a GP's life. So keep the faith, and keep on top of your CPD - I hope to meet many more of you this year. You can keep an eye on the upcoming training events on the right which are continuously updated - and please, if you have anything that would be of interest to colleagues in the region, please contact me and I'll post it.

PS: For those of you not lucky enough to get to APSAD (no, me neither) - there are some excellent presentations now available on the web (click here)