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Sunday 4 July 2010

BJGP has an interesting issue!

I thought that might grab your attention! this month's issue has an interesting editorial by Gerry Stimson and others on illegal drug use in an ageing population which pin points many of the challenges we will be facing in the years to come (as doctors that is!). And there is a slightly dry statistical analysis over 8 years of Scottish GPs treating drug users....but showing (with concern but no surprise to me) that "the new GP contract may have decreased GP involvement in treating drug misusers". But the star piece goes to Jenny Keen's group whose paper on a targeted GP led programme to treat addicted sex workers, which at one year recorded 100% of the cohort still retained in treatment, only 33% still sex working, heroin use had fallen and quality of life was enhanced. This is great general practice addiction work, and I suspect that many are doing equally good work elsewhere but Jenny seems to be the only one of us who has the energy, commitment and academic robustness to write papers.
(No hyperlinks I'm afraid, the BJGP is subscription only)