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Sunday 6 June 2010

Loads of Stuff

This month I am indebted to Dave Targett at Turning Point for making my June Blog entry a doddle- because they have trawled the internet and given me all this inspiration.

The National Audit Office (NAO), have completed an audit analysis of the (cost) effectiveness of the actual government drug strategy and the effectiveness of local implementation. An interesting read that isn’t the whitewash you might expect. Click here to see it.

And here is a meta analysis of motivational interviewing and other psychological interventions in substance misuse - a magnificent effort by the authors on 25 years of published evidence.

Interested in supervised injecting and want to know the international experience? aside from Vancouver, Australia too has had very positive outcomes for its service users - a report can be found by clicking here.

And what about personal budgets? we are starting to get used to these in social care, but a pilot is being run now which aims to see if this approach can be extended to those accessing addiction services - now that should sharpen our act up! Click here to read about it.

Glastonbury festival this week - hurrah!