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Sunday 25 October 2009

Trailblazers in the Southwest

Have you checked out the new copy of Network? lots of interesting stuff, much of which has been contributed by you in the South West: there is an excellent piece on Ketamine on the front page from Fergus Law and colleagues in Bristol; an informative article on pain management and addiction in the acute hospital by my colleague and friend Dawn Wintle in Yeovil Hospital (every hospital needs a Dawn Wintle), and an article on Young People's Drug and Alcohol services in Plymouth, By Charlie Lowe and Gerry Woodley.

And a couple of weeks ago I listened in abject admiration to Adam Ellery and Helen Hampton, on how they have set up a Hepatitis C treatment service for their drug using clients in Cornwall. Not (as I assumed) merely a satellite outpost for specialist hepatologists to simply get their medications delivered - but a commissioned, stand alone primary care treatment service for HCV - according to Adam, if you can prescribe methadone then you should be treating your HCV clients at the same time - I am sure this is a most important direction for GP drug misuse services to go in and Adam is showing the rest of the country how to do it well.