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Saturday 5 September 2009

What to do with over the counter addiction?

What to do with over the counter addiction?

Thursday 21st January 2010

York Hotel York

A day to discuss OTC addiction:

What is the size of the problem?

What is the evidence?

What are the best treatments?

What does the updated Clinical Guidelines say?

How do we best manage OTC addiction in general practice?

If you are concerned about any of the issues that these questions raise, then this day is for you.

Speakers include:

Dr Deborah Noland, GP Brownlow Group Practice Liverpool

Richard Cooper Lecturer in Public Health, University of Sheffield, and community pharmacist

Dr Chris Ford- GP SMMGP Clinical Lead and CPD Lead SMU

Payment information:

  • Past and current certificate candidates: £130.00
  • All other delegates: £150.00
  • Please reserve your place before sending payment
  • Payment is by cheque only and must be in the SMU office by December 18th2009 at the latest
  • Cheques should be made payable to the RCGP and sent to c/o Jo to the address below

Please note:

  • Refunds for cancellations or non attendance are not available unless another delegate fills your place

For further information or to reserve a place please contact:

Jo Betterton (020 7173 6095 SMU, Suite 314,

32-38 Leman Street, London E1 8EW