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Wednesday 9 September 2009



Working with Drug and Alcohol Users in Primary Care

Integrating Practice and Policy: Everyone’s Business


“I look forward to this conference all year because there is genuine debate wth all views being heard and considered and it is full of people who genuinely care’’ USER ADVOCATE APRIL 2009

The largest event in the UK for GPs, shared care workers, drug users, nurses and other primary care staff, specialists, commissioners, and researchers interested in, and involved with, the management of drug and alcohol users in primary care.

Building on the success of past conferences, this long-standing event returns now, for its 15th consecutive year, to examine the critical role primary care plays in working with drug and alcohol users, their families and carers.

The two days focus upon integrating practice and policy, exploring the challenges, benefits and developments in practice today, with a Scottish flavour. Through an ensemble of over 40 factual, interactive and educational presentations, select special interest sessions, presented papers and films delegates will have the opportunity to explore a variety of topics including:

  • Exploring the recovery debate and personalisation of treatment
  • Redefining harm reduction
  • Integration of the whole treatment system
  • Discussing linkage between use of substances, deprivation, social exclusion and poverty


  • Marcus Roberts Director of Policy Drugscope
  • James Egan Head of Policy and Practice Scottish Drugs Forum
  • Roy Robertson GP and Reader University of Edinburgh
  • Anne Whittaker Nurse Facilitator (Drugs/Alcohol/BBV) NHS Lothian

The conference also includes an exhibition and poster display throughout the event and a taste of Scotland reception and evening function on day one - an opportunity to further discussions and share personal knowledge and experiences with fellow attendees and speakers.

This highly popular event is a must save diary date for all professionals and anyone involved or interested in this complex area.

For more information about the event, or to request a conference brochure, please contact Hanisha on 020 8541 1399 or

Saturday 5 September 2009

What to do with over the counter addiction?

What to do with over the counter addiction?

Thursday 21st January 2010

York Hotel York

A day to discuss OTC addiction:

What is the size of the problem?

What is the evidence?

What are the best treatments?

What does the updated Clinical Guidelines say?

How do we best manage OTC addiction in general practice?

If you are concerned about any of the issues that these questions raise, then this day is for you.

Speakers include:

Dr Deborah Noland, GP Brownlow Group Practice Liverpool

Richard Cooper Lecturer in Public Health, University of Sheffield, and community pharmacist

Dr Chris Ford- GP SMMGP Clinical Lead and CPD Lead SMU

Payment information:

  • Past and current certificate candidates: £130.00
  • All other delegates: £150.00
  • Please reserve your place before sending payment
  • Payment is by cheque only and must be in the SMU office by December 18th2009 at the latest
  • Cheques should be made payable to the RCGP and sent to c/o Jo to the address below

Please note:

  • Refunds for cancellations or non attendance are not available unless another delegate fills your place

For further information or to reserve a place please contact:

Jo Betterton (020 7173 6095 SMU, Suite 314,

32-38 Leman Street, London E1 8EW