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Sunday 1 June 2008


Either I am just looking for it, or there really is a phenomenon going on out there.... I seem to hear of more and more people using ketamine. What was once just one of many chemicals used occasionally at raves seems to be becoming much more widely used. You will recall that it was popular with anaesthetists as a safe short acting anaesthetic that didnt depress respiration - but because many people found the onset of anaesthesia very frightening, reporting hallucinations, nightmares and out of body experiences, it fell from favour but was taken up by vets, presumably because either animals like dissociative experiences, or more likely, they can't tell us about them afterwards.

But clearly some of our patients love the stuff: usuall snorted, it can cause an unpleasant inflammatory sinusitis, and if injected, getting the dose right is tricky or anaesthesia follows rapidly and you can injure yourself. Long term heavy use often causes a painful and non infective cystitis. But noone seems to know what more harms can follow the use of this drug, and perhaps websites such as this can help. So if you have come accross any stories of ketamine related harms, please let me know and I will spread the word.