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Wednesday 15 August 2007

"After The War on Drugs"

Our friends at Transform have produced a new document that you may be interested in. Titled: "After the War on Drugs: Tools for the debate" is a guide to making the case for drug policy reform designed to:

  • Re-frame the debate, moving it beyond stale ideological arguments into substantive, rational engagement

  • Provide the language and analysis to challenge the prohibitionist status quo, and to make the case for evidenced based alternatives

You can access it from Transform's Blog here.

As I write, I have just spent a day attending to casualties of this "war" - including one chap who was released from prison with no methadone, no benefits and no home to go to. He stole a tent to keep out of the rain, is stealing to buy food, and has had two near-fatal overdoses in ten days. If he survives long enough he may live to be sent back to prison again. I am not sure who the winners are in this war, but there seem to be plenty of loosers.