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Tuesday 31 July 2007

Part 1 E Modules have moved!

Thanks to my friend Jo Betterton at the SMU, who writes:

The Part One e-modules have gone live on today

If people ask you should direct them to and everyone can complete them there, GP’s will go through the old route, nurses will go through the new nurse learning section and everyone else is now able to sign in through a new registration system they have built for us, this is signposted on the site and any problems will be dealt with by the helpline

If people go to the RCGP website they are directed to go to the and can just click on the link that takes them into the site where they log in and proceed as normal.

People are no longer able to register to start the e-modules on the RCGP website, but have until the end of September to complete them there if they have already started them.