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Monday 3 May 2010

Conference Marathon completed!

Your scribe has completed the Grand Slam and been to Glasgow for the RCGP conference, then Liverpool for IHRA and finally Bristol for the RCPsych Faculty of Addictions conferences - all were great fun and very different: the RCGP was as usual a great event for networking, meeting up with old friends and seeing how GP addiction services are progressing around the country; IHRA was a gigantic meeting in beautiful Liverpool - many hundreds of delegates from all over the world to examine international drugs policies on Harm Reduction, with a good deal of time devoted to discussing "Recovery" - incuding Prof McKeganey bravely standing in the lion's den to debate his ideas....and Bristol? well give the RCPsych Faculty conference a try folks - it is a most exciting forum for discussing science and theory.... I heard a fascinating presentation on designer drugs amongst many year's is in Newcastle - details will follow as usual.

So here's a bunch of links you might like to look at:

Want a bit of fun, and to direct carers and service users for education around overdose? - then click here for "The OD Game" and test yourselves!
For a billion statistics on injecting drug harm and needle exchange etc click here for the IDU reference group.
The British Pain Society's Guide to Opioids for persistent pain is a "must-read" for your CPD - download it by clicking here before they start charging for it!
Stanton Peel, veteran addiction psychologist who is always great value for a speech because of his forthright views, has his own blog which is much more entertaining than mine - click here and you will be whisked over to it.
And finally SMART is a new mutual aid recovery program which is spreading fast and may appeal to some who have, rightly or wrongly, been put off by 12 Step groups - they have a great website, have a look by clicking here.