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Wednesday 1 July 2009

Odds and sods this month folks: I can tell you that the RCGP alcohol certificate is almost there.... it has been tested to destruction by sages the length and breadth of the land and I suspect that I will have something concrete to tell you next month.

But I urge you to click on this link to see my good friend Sebastian Saville, CEO of Release, being interviewed by a Commons select committee on cocaine supplies in the UK. Sebastian is forthright and robust in his parrying of somewhat inane questions fom our political overlords.... I confess that even though I share every sensible person's loathing of the harm that current drugs laws create, I still struggle to see any alternative that causes any less harm.... but at least we have to talk about it in a mature way.

And if you have any patients on higher methadone doses and are worried about QT issues (Blogs passim) I have found a TERRIFICALLY useful web resource. Click here and you will find pages of useful information, drug interaction tables, patient information leaflets etc. Remember: this may be a rare cardiac complication of methadone treatment, but now that it has been recognised we are obliged to take it seriously.

Finally I can tell you that I have been working on drawing up some pragmatic guidance on dexamphetamine prescribing for many months and the work is nearly complete - it is certainly not for the neophyte or the faint hearted.... but someone has to give it a go.... watch this space.....