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Monday 1 September 2008

Prescription Wording

Possibly the most miserably tedious bit about the work that we do, is writing out FP10MDAs - we are bound by the most absurd and pedantic regulations - and any slight straying from the rules places the poor pharmacist at risk of censure from his monitors, and our patients at risk of having their essential medication stopped until a properly worded script is obtained. I am grateful to my colleague Nigel Modern for preparing templates for methadone and buprenorphine in Rich Text Format which make the whole business of prescription writing easy and legal - if you would like me to send them to you, then please email me: . They can be used on any computer system and all your problems will go away - now that is something useful from this Blog at last!
To check whether the wording on your templates is concordant with the latest from the DoH, look to pages 106 and 107 in the 2007 Guidelines.
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!!! Don't forget to add the magic words to scripts over the Holidays: "Instalments due on pharmacy closed days may be dispensed on the day immediately prior to closure"