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Thursday 31 July 2008

Conferences, conferences

OK - so you a re a very busy GP and have little time for your family, let alone feeding your brain.... but your career depends on you being both up to date, and refreshed after taking time out to relax, to be stimulated and to hone your skills. So treat yourself to a conference or two.... and this year in the South West you can treat yourself to two excellent events: the SMMGP annual conference rotates around the UK and this time it is our turn. And the South West regional Shared Care conference also has a particularly strong line up of presentations. And finally, don't forget the Release conference - where you can get radical, get educated, and get objective.... I wont prioritise these excellent events because they are different and are all excellent .... and sadly even I can only get to two of them.... so you all make sure that you get to at least one.... see you there.
STOP PRESS - you can get ALL the presentations at The 2008 National Conference on Injecting Drug Use by clicking here thanks to those marvellous people at Exchange Supplies.