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Friday 9 May 2008

More on QT

Since my last posting on the subject of higher dose methadone and cardiac arrythmias, there has been a growing volume of whispers on the subject. My sense of the present consensus is that on balance of risk, the benefits of effective methadone treatment far outweighs any theoretical (and very small) risk of methadone itself contributing to ventricular tacchyarrythmias. The advice remains (in the BNF) to exclude a prolonged QT interval by means of an ECG in those taking 100mg methadone daily or more, and if you see a prolonged QT interval, then seek a cardiologist's advice, don't stop the methadone.

But in the current issue of Network, Martin Wilkinson has written a nice and concise account on the subject... you can read it here. Which gives me a chance to plug Network, which you should all read - it contributes to your CPD, is delivered free if you ask for it, or is of course available to read on line.

Thursday 1 May 2008

Hard to Reach or Easy to Ignore?

I have returned from the Brighton conference - it was good to see many old friends there. This year's events were themed around meeting the needs of diverse and disadvantaged populations - not just the BEMs, but also sex workers, those with learning difficulties, mental health problems and so forth. No matter how sensitive we think we are, we need to be constantly reminded of just how awkward some of our services are to access, by certain corners of the population.

There were many excellent presentations too numerous to mention here. Some will be available on the Healthcare Events website in the near future. And speaking of which, ALL of the presentations at the Exchange Supplies Drug Treatment Conference in Glasgow are available by clicking here - I have mentioned this excellent facility in the past but it is worth repeating: you can see and hear presentations in real time on this web site - if it weren't that you would be missing out on meeting all your friends and sharing in the atmosphere of the event, this is almost as good as being there!

Both of these conferences are always stimulating, educational and provide unique opportunities to relax, unwind, and spend some well earned time out with like minded professionals and clients. You owe it to yourself and your CPD to go to one (or both!) every year.