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Tuesday 1 April 2008

Important Conference comes to the South West

Those marvellous people at SMMGP (and if you don't access their web site regularly with all its resources, you should) have chosen the South West to host their Third annual (one day)conference. The theme this year is to be "End of The Line, or Part of The Journey? - How to Optimise Patient Choice and Opportunity". This will be an important event for the hitherto neglected South West, and will appeal to GP and all practice staff, as well as Shared Care workers, patients, carers and all those involved in services. It's at The Bristol Marriott on Friday September 26th - stick it in your diaries NOW! it's a day of CPD, and a chance for us all to get together to show the rest of the UK how things should be done! You can go to the SMMGP conference and events page by clicking here and scroll down to the Bristol event....but look at all the others as well.....